Michelle Knapik, Program Director
By design, I mean visual art, as in Art All Night, Central Jersey’s largest 24-hour art spectacular. Artworks, Trenton’s exciting downtown visual arts center, is entering its fourth year of this art spectacular, which starts this coming Saturday, June 19 at 3 p.m. and runs straight through until Sunday, June 20 at 3 p.m.
There is one compelling reason after another to head for the Roebling Wire Works this weekend. Let’s start with the artists, some 900 of them. The artists range from the very accomplished to the very new. Any one can enter – the trick is selecting the one permitted piece of art to represent you. This is an unparalleled opportunity for artists and audiences to mingle, revel in the diversity, and fuel community building in Trenton and beyond.
Then there is the venue: a 50,000 square-foot former industrial space that now serves as exhibition space. And the eclectic exhibition is just the beginning of the creative outpouring. The space takes on added dimensions as musical acts perform on two stages, and arts demonstrations and workshops bring experiential components to the event (many of which are extensions of Artworks class offerings).
Acclaimed sculptor Matt Reiley will conduct a live “iron pour” on Saturday night. As Artworks says, “Molten iron flowing into molds and being assembled into a metal sculpture piece ties this event to its place – Trenton, a city with a deep industrial past and current artistic fervor.” The happenings at Art All Night leave no stone unturned. Personally, I can’t wait to see “Live Art Fusion” by Timeless Tattoo (Sat night) and the Graffiti Demo (Sunday), as well as the interpretation of “Streets As Living Space” (a collaborative effort between local artist Andrew Wilkinson and Diffy Productions), which is woven throughout the event.
There will also be a broad spectrum of local food and drink to sample, because the event is not just about art, it’s about place, too. And this is Trenton at its best: its spirit of revitalization, its creative expression by 900 for 10,000, and its support of local artists and businesses. This is Art All Night 2010!
When’s the last time you pulled an all nighter that promised artistic, cultural and community building rewards?
For travel detail, see the Art All Night website.