Apply for the Neighborhood Excellence Initiative

March 7, 2011

Our fellow funders here in New Jersey, Bank of America, are calling for nonprofits to submit a proposal for their Neighborhood Excellence Initiative® which funds “Neighborhood Builders,” “Local Heroes,” and “Student Leaders.” See below for full details:

Bank of America logo

Neighborhood Excellence Initiative

Bank of America has deep roots in the communities we serve. And a long history of supporting the individuals and organizations who dedicate themselves to revitalizing and strengthening them. Our ongoing commitment stands on the core belief that we all want to live, work and raise our families in vibrant communities and the realization that supporting local leaders allows us to have a lasting, positive impact. Since 2004, the Neighborhood Excellence Initiative has recognized nearly 500 nonprofit organizations and 2,000 Local Heroes and Student Leaders, and committed more than $110 million to improving communities across the United States.

The three components of the Neighborhood Excellence Initiative are Neighborhood Builders™, Local Heroes™ and Student Leaders®.

• Neighborhood Builders – We fund $200,000 in core operating support over 2 years to 2 nonprofit/charitable organizations in each of 45 markets. Bank of America’s Neighborhood Builders award strengthens the capacity and infrastructure of nonprofit organizations and promotes the leadership development of their executives. In addition to the operating support, the executive director and an emerging leader from each nonprofit participate in a leadership development program during the first year of funding. (deadline 6/1)

• Local Heroes – We donate $5,000 (or local market currency equivalent) to an eligible charitable nonprofit/charitable organizations, selected by each of 5 Local Heroes in 45 markets. The Local Heroes award seeks to recognize community role models and their efforts to improve their communities. (deadline 6/1)

• Student Leaders – Five young adults in 45 markets, recognized for their passion for improving the community, are selected to participate in a leadership summit in Washington, DC and receive a paid internship with a local nonprofit/charitable organization. The Bank of America Student Leaders award offers high school juniors and seniors firsthand opportunities to discover how they can help shape their communities now and in the future. (application closed)

For more information, visit the Neighborhood Excellence Initiative here.

Several Dodge grantees are previous Neighborhood Builder winners, including Ironbound Community Corporation, Homeless Solutions, Isles and Greater Newark Conservancy. And several of our grantees are also beneficiaries of the Local Hero Awards, including Elijah’s Promise, New Jersey Performing Arts Center, and Wind of the Spirit Immigrant Resource Center.

Bank of America advises that the process is very competitive, and that several of the winners have applied more than once before winning, so try, try again!