More than 135 people gathered at The Noyes Arts Garage at Stockton University for Creative Atlantic City’s Call to Collaboration on February 23 and 24. Those people were ready. Ready to talk — and do.
This two-day gathering was part of Creative New Jersey’s statewide series of community-based convenings, aimed at helping to fuel current efforts already in action in Atlantic City and to foster creativity, innovation, and sustainability by facilitating cross-sector partnerships. Creative Atlantic City participants represented a wide array of industries, cultures, ethnicities, and viewpoints including healthcare, economic development and business leaders, education, law enforcement, municipal government, arts and culture, tourism, philanthropy, social service, as well as a mix of residents, civic leaders and those who work in Atlantic City.
NJTV captured the atmosphere in a news segment that aired on the first day of the convening. The energy and passion was palpable during the 44-plus conversations and action plans — on topics as diverse as the participants — that were generated over the course of the two days.
Topics included:
• How do reduce we silos and increase collaboration?
• How do we encourage new business in Atlantic City?
• How do we get the necessary education and training to implement a Creative Placemaking project?
• How do we attract people to reside and invest in AC, especially through the arts?
• How do we foster community involvement and a planning process to engage the minority community?
• How do we create a clean and safe environment that encourages growth, productivity, and a sense of well-being?
• What are actionable steps to grow the business community in Atlantic City?
• How do we encourage increased gender, ethnic and racial political representation in Atlantic City?
• How do we create a community-driven structure to advance and resource the work of AC?
• How can AC reengage its disenfranchised population (i.e. at-risk youth, the homeless, and individuals with criminal records)?
On Day Two of the Call to Collaboration, participants focused on action planning and next steps. Four groups merged into one as the interconnectedness of business development and entrepreneurship, creative industries, technology, and healthcare emerged. The Business Growth group stayed together for the entirety of the day to solidify task forces and next steps to move ideas and initiatives forward, including the launch of a Facebook Group to get people involved in their efforts.
For more detailed information on these topics, including a full list of all ideas discussed, the notes from those discussions and the names of the individuals involved, visit our website to download a copy of the complete notes. You can also join the Creative Atlantic City Facebook Group to jump in and get involved.
We are extremely grateful to our Creative Atlantic City sponsors and partners who joined us in making this Call to Collaboration possible. They are: The Noyes Arts Garage at Stockton University, The Richard Stockton University, and Bally’s, plus our generous restaurant partners: Carmine’s, Formica Bros. Baker, Ginsburg Bakery and Cher Bread.
- Michael Cagno, Director of The Noyes Museum Arts Garage at Stockton University and Creative AC Host Team member Councilman Alex Marino with fellow participants.
If you want to learn more about what’s happening in the Atlantic City or want to be connected to any of the Creative Atlantic City Host Team members or participants, please reach out to us at and we will connect you with them. You can also visit Creative NJ’s new website for more information on this Call to Collaboration and how you get join the statewide movement.
Creative New Jersey gratefully acknowledges the support of the New Jersey Recovery Fund. Launched by the Community Foundation of New Jersey and the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, The Fund supports the nonprofit sector and local communities as they pursue a thoughtful plan to help rebuild New Jersey, and to ensure that the long-term needs of the state are being met as effectively as possible.
Kacy O’Brien is the Program Manager at Creative New Jersey. Creative New Jersey is dedicated to fostering creativity, innovation, and sustainability by empowering cross-sector partnerships in commerce, education, philanthropy, government, and culture in order to ensure dynamic communities and a thriving economy. Creative New Jersey’s leaders and partners are regular contributors to the Dodge Blog.
Photos are courtesy of Greg Alber, Sea Shore Photos