The 2020 Census is almost over, but almost 1 in 5 New Jersey households are not yet counted. If they are not counted, our communities, especially communities of color, risk missing out on the federal and state funding and the political representation they deserve.
Even a small undercount will leave our entire state without the fair funding and political representation they deserve. At stake for New Jersey: more than $45 billion a year in federal funding and 12 Congressional seats.
Census takers are knocking on doors right now, but many of the communities you serve may be unwilling or reluctant to open the door to a federal employee, especially during a pandemic.
You, as a trusted messenger and member of the Dodge grantee community, can encourage turnout in a way that “official” sources might not.
Please consider these easy action steps to help assist in your local Census count.
1. Send the below email to your network, encouraging them to be counted. (You’re welcome to adapt the wording to make it your own.)
2. Call or text your service population asking if they have been counted. A simple message of “Just checking to see if you completed your 2020 Census yet” can make a difference coming from a trusted source.
3. Host a Mobile Questionnaire Assistance site. The Census Bureau will send its representatives to a physical site to help people complete the Census. Examples of events have included a parked ice cream or food truck, community meetings at apartment complexes, food distribution sites, or outdoor house of worship gatherings. Email New.York.rcc.partnership@2020census.gov if you would like to host a questionnaire assistance site.
Thank you so much for all you are doing for our communities!
SUBJECT: Have you done your Census yet?
You STILL have time to respond to the 2020 Census. This takes less than 10 minutes and can make sure all of us are seen, heard and counted.
Over $1.5 trillion in federal funding is divided up based on who is counted in the Census.
You can complete the Census in three ways:
· Online at my2020census.gov
· By phone in English by dialing 844-330-2020 or in Spanish by dialing 844-468-2020
· By mail (you should have received a paper questionnaire in the mail). Make sure the envelope is postmarked by September 30
Remember, that the sooner you complete the Census, the less likely it is that a Census taker will visit your home.
If you have already completed the Census, call or text five friends or family members to remind them to complete the Census as well. Every census counts!
If you have questions about the Census, you can call the NALEO National Bilingual Hotline at 877-EL-CENSO.
Thank you so much.