Jersey Give Back Guide: Educational Arts Team

December 10, 2015


From Thanksgiving to New Year’s, we are highlighting each of the organizations featured in the Jersey Give-Back Guide, an online giving gadget that takes the guesswork out of year-end giving. 

Educational Arts Team





What they do:

The Educational Arts Team, a private nonprofit organization since 1974, has developed and conducted countless educational and social skills workshops for children, families, and teachers. The Team’s innovative approach integrates various art forms, shaped around the needs and goals of the group.

We offer a wide array of in-school and after-school programs for children and families and operate a popular summer day camp located in Liberty State Park. These programs include workshops for students K-12 and professional development for teachers. The programs incorporate age-appropriate drama, writing,storytelling, puppetry, music, dance and visual art activities as strategies for promoting learning, teaching basic academic subject areas, encouraging positive social experiences, and promoting positive relationships.


What makes them great:

Educational Arts Team offers programs designed to promote critical literacy, not just rote technical literacy. Our Dramatic Impact program brings engaging, experiential activities into grade 3 to 8 language arts classrooms, helping students improve reading comprehension. Our approach encourages deep learning and social skill development to meet the needs of all students.

How your donation will help:

If you believe the arts enhance learning, please support them today.


>>Get Generous for Educational Arts Team