The folks at GOOD Maker want your best proposals to help your community come alive through the arts:
“Creating opportunities for people to experience art in deep and meaningful ways is key to sustaining vibrant, healthy communities. When we’re engaged in right brain thinking, our creativity can be used as a channel for innovation, helping us view social challenges and opportunities through a fresh lens…That’s why GOOD Maker is calling on artists, performers, teachers and you to propose a plan to nurture the arts.”
Submit your proposal (here) between July 11 and August 8 (noon Pacific Time). From August 9 to August 23, GOOD will open it up to a public vote, and you can rally your colleagues and friends to suport your idea. The project with the most votes wins.
See full details, including submission tips and rules, here. You can also follow GOOD Maker on Twitter @GOODMkr and check out their Facebook page here.
You have 15 days left to submit. Go!
Image: GOOD Maker