Getting attention for your organization in today’s world can be challenging. It’s no longer enough to rely solely on traditional media or grassroots engagement to get a story out to the public and garner support.
We’ve heard from our grantees that they are eager to hone their communications strategies and learn how best to use social media tools, but that the technology changes so fast, it’s overwhelming to keep up. We’re responding to our grantees’ needs with a new series of free Technical Assistance Communications Workshops to help them catch attention, raise awareness and inspire action.
Public Image Works, led by Ennis Carter of Design for Social Impact, is a three part participatory series that allows you to do a deep exploration of your organization’s identity, develop a promotional plan, and figure out where and on whom to focus your energies.
Smart Social Media for Nonprofits, led by Sue Nyoni of Conscious Technology, is a one day overview workshop on how to utilize social media for your communication strategy, followed by five online webinars exploring effective and innovative ways to use Facebook, Twitter, Blogging, and Online Fundraising Tools.
To register, please visit us on the Dodge website.
* Please note that the workshops are intended for Dodge grantees, but where possible, we try our best to accommodate other non-profits.