Our friends at the Stony-Brook Millstone Watershed Association are hosting an important workshop we think you should know about:
Building Municipal Partnerships: How to Help Your Local Government Protect Natural Resources
Date: March 18, 2009
Time: 10:00 am – 1:30 pm
Location: Pinelands Preservation Alliance; 17 Pemberton Road; Southampton, NJ 08088
Attend this interactive workshop to learn about partnering with local governments to assess and strengthen their zoning, ordinances, and policies for natural resource protections. Work in a small group to develop an action plan for partnering with your municipalities.
Registration required by March 12. Program materials and lunch will be provided.
Interested in carpooling to the workshop? Please let us know and we will try to organize carpools.
For more information or to register, contact Alyse Greenberg at 609-737-3735 x27 or agreenberg@thewatershed.org